Computational biophysics and soft materials


We invite brilliant minds to decipher the code of life for better human health and smarter artificial systems. 

Shenzhen Bay Laboratory aspires to be a hub for world-class research at the forefront of science and innovation. We are collaborating with tech-companies in the Greater Bay Area such as Huawei and BGI to explore the new paradigm of integrating biotechnology and information technology (BT+IT) for the improvement of human well-being.

My lab is seeking self-motivated fellows/engineers/RAs/students to work on the following fields: (1) computational modeling of the 4D genome;(2) theoretical understanding of biological phase separation; (3) design of bioinspired soft materials and artificial intelligence;(4) software development for molecular modelling. 

Please send your application to Dr. Huang at with the following information:
  • A detailed CV with a list of all publications
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